What We Give Up
When you look at a search engine like the one that is number 1 in the world, what they have created is quite impressive. They have developed a veritable ecosystem with a myriad of useful online product that are irresistible to many MagicPreneurs and the public as well. The world’s most important search engine follows the business model that most big tech companies do. This is to develop free (?) internet products and services that we as entrepreneurs (and members of the public as well) feel we need desperately. Point blank, we seem willing to trade in as the fee, as many facets of our identity as possible.
What We Get
But for most this exchange seems worth it because of the value such services and product provide for us. They make it easy for us to share our lives with friends and family (and promoting our businesses), despite knowing that we are disclosing information about ourselves that in the wrong hands could be quite detrimental. The collecting of our personal data goes on and on with everything we do including searches, emails, online photographs, web videos and much much more. Heck, at a certain point big tech may remember things we’ve disclosed online that we have forgotten, thereby making these giant media companies in some ways knowing us better than we know ourselves. They have secret files on us that never forget a thing.
Business Benefits
The dream today is to be a MagicPreneur or an entrepreneur and be able to make money while you pursue your passion. And this is where everything comes together. Entrepreneurs, Micro Businesses, Small Businesses and Large Corporations are not just preyed upon from an information gathering prospective but also have the possibility of receiving benefits from the files that big tech has been keeping on us and others. With our files at their disposal big tech can offer businesses the opportunity to cash in on their information collected, for a price.
So, What Does this Have to Do with Being a MagicPreneur?
The drums roll builds in anticipation until finally a cymbal announces the crescendo. The exciting news is uncovered. It is that we as magicians and other entrepreneurs, have access to the files of those most likely to book us (become our customer) if we are willing to pay big tech a fee. They can help us reach out to potential clients via the information they have gathered. We just need to reveal the statistics of what constitute our perfect customers. They sell us other people’s data just as other people buy our data. The data is used to feature ourselves or our companies in ads including search engine placement, social media exhibition, online video and more.
Many Believe this is All Dandy
For a large amount of individuals and MagicPreneurs here in America, giving away our privacy online in exchange for free (?) communication tools is worth it. And knowing companies sell our private data to third parties appears to many as “the way it is.” Again, the irony is that as we sell our own privacy we can, on the flip side, we can in turn purchase other people’s information to promote our own businesses. MagicPreneurs, is this worth it to you?